2019 ZNA International Koi Show (55th edition)
Cooperation: All Japan Nishikigoi Promotion Association
Sponsors:Yamaguchi Prefecture, Yamaguchi City
Show Chairman : Masaaki Nakajima
Friday 8 November
08:00-17:00 Fish Entry
Saturday 9 November
08:30-09:00 Pre-judging meeting at the show site
09:00-12:30 Judging
14:00-15:00 Opening Ceremony
10:00-17:00 Open to public (Admission free)
18:30-21:30 Show Party at Hotel Kame Fuku, Yuda Onsen, Yamaguchi City
*ticket available at the show site
Sunday 10 November
09:00-11:00 Open to public (Admission free)
10:00-11:30 Awarding & Closing Ceremony
13:00-17:00 Fish to be removed